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Meet The Parents

Our foundation female
Parisian's Palais de Versailles
Blue Merle
Registration: AKC
Health Testing: Embark
Weight: 22lbs
EmEm, KbKy, ayay, dd, BB, Ssp, M

Working stud
Parisian's Augustus the Fierce
Fawn Merle
Registration: AKC
Health Testing: Embark
Weight: 29lbs
Proven Stud- Natural or AI available
Eme, KbKy, ayat, dd, co, M
Stud Fee: $1500.00

Working Stud
Parisian's Louboutins Red Pumps
Moyen Red
Registration: AKC
Health Testing: Embark & Pawprints
Weight: 20lbs
Height: 18inches
ee, KbKy, ata, DD, BB, Ssp - Fully Furnished
8/10 Intense Red
72% standard 27% small poodle
Proven stud: Live Cover or AI
Stud Fee: $1500.00

Micro Goldendoodle Female
Micro Goldendoodle
Health Testing: Embark
Weight: 14lbs
ee, KyKy, atat, M
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