Parisian's Puppies Red Carpet Delivery Services
Starting in 2022 we will once again start offering our red carpet puppy delivery services.
Price: $750.00 -$1000.00
Price depends on travel distance. Includes:
*Delivery of your puppy to your local airport from TPA or MCO
*Hand delivery by myself or a trusted nanny
*Puppy will travel in cabin and get to you with all needed paperwork, travel food ration and any needed accessories.
We will try to accommodate most families in regards to local airports etc. however its impossible for us to predict weather and other issues that can arise. Most airports have direct travel to/from TPA and MCO. If this isn't the case we will need to fly to the nearest airport that provides direct flights only. Puppies (especially frenchies) can be sensitive to long flights and we try to make the trip easier by doing direct flights.
We also offer red carpet delivery service ground option for anyone located in Florida.
Fees: within 100 miles from us $350.00
past 100 miles from us $450.00
With the new pandemic our flight services are limited and we will only fly certain airports/airlines. Please be sure to reach out to my prior to sending your red carpet service fee to ensure we can accommodate your puppy delivery needs.